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On 9 April 2024, the IASB issued a new standard – IFRS 18 Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements – in response to investors’ concerns about the comparability and transparency of entities’ performance reporting.
IFRS 18 will be effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2027, including for interim financial statements. Retrospective application is required, i.e. 2026 information should be prepared using the new standard to be included as comparative information in 2027.
the structure of the statement of profit or loss;
the required disclosures in the financial statements for ‘management-defined performance measures’; and
enhanced principles on aggregation and disaggregation.
IFRS 18 will replace IAS 1. Many of the other existing principles in IAS 1 are retained, with limited changes. IFRS 18 will not impact the recognition or measurement of items in the financial statements, but it might change what an entity reports as its ‘operating profit or loss’.
We have created a comprehensive e-learning module to prepare you and your employees for these changes.
Concept of international financial reporting standards
Main features of the Conceptual Framework
Qualitative characteristics of useful financial information (fundamental and enhancing)
Main features of the IFRS and IAS standards
Different measurement bases, such as historical cost and current value, including fair value, value in use, fulfilment value and current cost)
Definition of control
Main aspects of the primary financial statements
Concept and definition of inventory
Items to be included in the cost of inventory
Definition of overheads
Rules for recognition and derecognition of inventories
Measurement rules
Methods of inventory valuation (standard cost, weighted average cost, FIFO method)
Net realisable value
Provision (write-down) against inventories and reversal of provision
IAS 2 standard's disclosure requirements
Cash equivalents and non-cash items
Two approaches (direct – indirect) to produce cash flows from operations
Main categories of cash flows
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash flows from investing activities
Cash flows from financing activities
Basic steps of preparing statements of cash flows based on the IAS 7 standard
IAS 7 standard's disclosure requirements
Concept and definition of accounting policies, accounting estimates, materiality and errors
Situations where accounting estimates are used
Changes in accounting policies and changes in accounting estimates
Prospective and retrospective application is the correct approach
Proper accounting treatment for the retrospective approach
Proper accounting treatment for the retrospective approach
Correct accounting treatment of prior period errors through scenarios
IAS 8 standard's disclosure requirements
Adjusting and non-adjusting events
Proper accounting treatment or disclosures for adjusting and non-adjusting events
Concept of going concern and its relation to IAS 10
IAS 10 standard's disclosure requirements
Concept of deferred taxes and current taxes
Situations when there is a need to account for deferred taxes and learn about recognition exemptions
Amount of deferred taxes by applying the correct tax rate
Deferred tax asset or a deferred tax liability
Effects of under- or overestimation of current tax balances in previous years
Correct journals for current and deferred income taxes
IAS 12 standard's disclosure requirements
Definition of property, plant and equipment
Type of costs which should and should not be included in the value of property, plant and equipment at the time of initial recognition
Proper accounting treatment under the component-based approach
Depreciation of property plant and equipment
Correct accounting treatment of subsequent expenditures
Correct accounting journals for a disposal of property plant and equipment
IAS 16 standard's disclosure requirements
Accounting treatment of defined benefit plans according to IAS 19 – Employee Benefits standard
Proper discount rate under IAS 19
Disclosure requirements under IAS 19 for defined benefit plans
Government grant and government assistance in the scope of IAS 20
Grants related to assets and grants related to income
Proper accounting treatment in the case of grants related to assets and grants related to income
Monetary and non-monetary items
Exchange rates to be used to translate different transactions in foreign currency
Cumulative translation adjustments
Identifying the functional currency by using the primary and secondary indicators determined by IAS 21
Qualifying assets
Borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation
Appropriate period of capitalisation
Recognition principles of borrowing costs
Amount to capitalise
IAS 23 standard's disclosure requirements
Underlying principle of IAS 27 standard
Separate financial statements required to be prepared by an entity
Accounting methods for investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates in the separate financial statements
Accounting treatment of investment related dividends
Impairment considerations
Derecognition rules of investments
IAS 27 standard's disclosure requirements
Objectives and scope
Significant influence
Equity method
Investments that must be accounted for using the equity method under IAS 28
The carrying value of the investment and share of the profit or loss of associate or joint venture applying the equity method and define disclosure requirements
Entities which are obliged to present earnings per share in their financial statements
Basic earnings per share with different types of share issues
Diluted earnings per share with various securities which might have a diluting effect on the figure of earnings per share
Scope of IAS 36 standard and situation when to apply IAS 36 standard
When to perform an impairment test
Distinction between a triggering event review and an impairment test
Indicators of impairment
Recoverable amount as the higher of value in use and fair value less costs to sell
Cash-generating units
Steps for allocation of impairment for a cash generating unit
IAS 36 standard's disclosure requirements
Concept and key characteristics of provisions
Concept of contingent liabilities and contingent assets
Distinguishing contingent liabilities from liabilities and provisions
Definition of “probable”
Recognition criteria for provisions
How to measure provisions in different situations
Accounting treatment of provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets
Specific type of provisions, like onerous contracts and restructuring provisions
IAS 37 standard's disclosure requirements
Definition of intangible assets
Different types of intangibles, such as internally generated, separately acquired and acquired through business combination
Recognition criteria for different types of intangibles
Initial measurement requirements of IAS 38 standard
Subsequent measurement methods for accounting intangible assets
Concept of intangible assets with finite and indefinite useful lives
Criteria for impairment
IAS 38 standard's disclosure requirements
Investment property and owner-occupied property
Appropriate recognition
Measurement and accounting treatment and identification the related disclosures
Objectives and scope
First IFRS financial statements
Accounting policies
Mandatory exceptions
Optional exemptions
Presentation and disclosure
Relevant standards related to financial instruments
Concept of financial assets and financial liabilities
Different types of financial assets and financial liabilities
Debt or equity instrument according to IAS 32 standard
Factors of business model assessment to be able to define appropriate business models for financial assets
Whether an instrument meets the SPPI (solely payment of principal and interest) test
Concept of fair value and amortised cost
Classification of financial instruments into one of the following categories: amortised cost, fair value through other comprehensive income and fair value through profit or loss
Recognition and measurement rules based on classification
IFRS 9 standard's requirements for derecognition and modification of financial assets and financial liabilities
Introduction: Financial instrument and the scope of IFRS 9
Classification and measurement: Assets/Liabilities, What is amortised cost measurement?, Fair Value Hierarchy, Business Model Assessment, Cash flow characteristics
Impairment: Expected credit losses model
Derecognition: Financial instruments/assets, Liabilities/Assets, Debt restructuring
Debt vs. Equity: Classification principles
Purpose of consolidation and when it needs to be carried out
Definition of main concepts related to consolidation, such as parent, subsidiary, group, control, non-controlling interest
Three basic steps of consolidation
Types of adjustments need to be made in consolidation
Non-controlling interest
Goodwill or gain on bargain purchase
Intra-group transactions and balances
Basic steps of preparing a consolidated statement of financial position and consolidated statement of total comprehensive income
Objectives and scope
Joint control
Classification of joint arrangements
Measurement - Accounting
Underlying principle of IFRS 13 standard and fair value measurement
Fair values are out of the scope of IFRS 13 standard
5 steps of fair value measurement
Fair values for assets and liabilities
Different valuation techniques (market-, income- and cost approach)
Preferred method for measuring fair value
Main focus of fair value disclosures according to IFRS 13 standard
Scope of the IFRS 15 standard
IFRS 15 standard's 5 step approach
Contract with the customer, including situations of contract combination and contract modification
Performance obligations in the contract
Transaction price by understanding the complexities including the effects of variable consideration, significant financing component, non-cash consideration, variable consideration, etc.
Transaction price
Revenue recognition pattern at a point in time or over time
Features of a contract which indicate that the contract contains a lease
Substantive substitution rights
Suppliers’ protective rights
Transaction prices when separating components of a contract
Variable payments in a contract
Criteria for recognition and measurement exemptions
Lease term
Lessee accounting
Lessor accounting
Key changes to primary statements under IFRS 18
Principles for aggregation and disaggregation under IFRS 18
Categorising income or expense items
Rules for classifying specific items under IFRS 18
Management-defined performance measure under IFRS 18
Comparison between IFRS and US GAAP along the following topics:
Employee Benefits/ Pensions
Revenue Recognition
Financial Instruments
PP&E/ Intangible Assets/ Inventories/ Offsetting/ Consolidation
*Our e-learnings are available for corporates either as a cloud service on the PwC platform or integrated into your own LMS.