Dutch GAAP – De nieuwe RJ standaarden: RJ 270 Deel 1


In this e-learning we dive into the general concept of the five-step approach of revenue recognition, the process for recognising revenue is discussed based on the guidance described in the 270 (Profit and loss account) and 221 (Construction contracts) standards of the Raad van Jaarverslaggeving (RJ). These are applicable for fiscal years starting on or after 1 January 2022.

This e-learning course takes approximately 90 minutes to complete, and as such, it can provide 1.5 learning hours – 1.5 CPD points based on a 50-minute hour. Upon completion of this course, you can print the certificate of completion as an evidence that you undertook the course.

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Further information:

  • Training hours: 90 minutes

  • CPD: 1.5

  • Language: English

  • Topics: Finance, Reporting
  • Sector: Corporates

  • Training method: E-learning

  • Type: Single course

  • Geographic relevance: Netherlands

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