IFRS S2 – Climate-related Disclosures


Over the last two decades, reporting standards and frameworks have been developed to help organisations provide sustainability-related information transparently and consistently. These standards and frameworks define the key elements of sustainability reporting, including how relevant information should be collected and presented.

This e-learning series focuses on the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards issued by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and will provide a comprehensive understanding of their requirements.

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • identify the disclosure requirements under the reporting areas of IFRS S2;

  • select the right approach to using scenario analysis;

  • recognise the categories of cross-industry metrics and the applicable disclosure requirements under IFRS S2;

  • identify the disclosure requirements for GHG emissions;

  • identify the disclosure requirements for climate-related targets;

  • recall the applicability of the SASB Standards when reporting under IFRS S2.

This e-learning course takes approximately 50 minutes to complete, and as such, it can provide 1 learning hour – 1 CPD point based on a 50-minute hour. Upon completion of this course, you can print the certificate of completion as an evidence that you undertook the course.

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Further information:

  • Training hours: 50 minutes

  • CPD: 1.0

  • Language: English

  • Topics: ESG, Reporting
  • Sector: Corporates
  • Training method: E-learning

  • Type: Single course

  • Geographic relevance: Global

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